McGuire's Combat Choronology
The following are excerpts from the website of:
United States Army
Air Forces
Combat Chronology 1941 - 1945
25 JULY 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force)
9 B-25's, escorted by 17 P-40's and P-38's, bomb Hankow Airfield, China.
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28 JULY 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force)
6 B-25's, with escort of 9 P-40's, bomb Taikoo Docks at Hong Kong.
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29 JULY 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force)
18 B-24's, with fighter escort, bomb shipping and dockyard installa-
tions at Hong Kong. Kowloon and Taikoo Docks and the old Royal Navy yards
are hit. 4 P-40's attack a Japanese force of 23 bombers and 30 fighters
attacking Hengyang, China; 1 Japanese fighter is downed.
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31 JULY 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force)
HQ 402d Bombardment Group (Medium) is disbanded at Kunming, China.
This group, which had been activated in China on 19 May 43, never had any
squadrons assigned nor was it fully manned.
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13 AUGUST 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 4 P-40's bomb and strafe enemy installations
at Lungling, China.
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21 AUGUST 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 14 B-24's, 7 B-25's, and 11
P-40's attack docks and the airfield at Hankow; a large force of fighters,
estimated at 50+, attacks the B-24 formation, shooting down 2 of the
B-24's; gunners on the B-24's claim 40+ fighters shot down. In the Hengyang
area, 19 P-40's battle 33 airplanes, shooting down 5 Zekes. S of Changsha,
9 P-38's clash with 12 Zekes, shooting down 3.
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27 AUGUST 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 5 P-40's strafe a large truck
convoy between Sintsiang and Yoyang, destroying 5 trucks and damaging 15
others; 1 P-40 is downed by ground fire;
6 other P-40's hit communication
lines between Yoyang and Hankow; targets include 2 small steamboats, a
gunboat, several railroad cars, and a water tower.
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29 AUGUST 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 9 B-25's, with fighter escort, bomb the
airfield at Chingmen, China.
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30 AUGUST 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 13 B-25's, some with P-40 sup-
port, attack Owchihkow and Shihshow, blasting fuel stores and several
buildings; the P-40's strafe gun positions outside Shihshow; 10 P-38's
P-40's on armored reconnaissance from Sinti to Yoyang to Sienning, strafe
and bomb several targets of opportunity; 3 locomotives are exploded and
another damaged, a water tank is knocked down, and several railroad
stations are heavily damaged. 4 other P-40's attack a convoy E of Hong
Kong; 1 freighter is hit amidships, causing heavy damage; 2 other vessels
are also effectively damaged.
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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 7 B-25's, supported by 8 P-40's,
attack a Japanese destroyer at Shihhweiyao; no hits are scored on the ship
but considerable damage is done to the surrounding dock area; 6 P-40's
a small tanker down river from Ichang, damage 2 large boats between Ocheng
and Shihhweiyao, and strafe cavalry troops at Ocheng; 3 other P-40's
heavily damage a small ship at Swatow harbor and strafe the nearby
airfield; 3 P-38's and a P-40 dive-bomb and strafe barracks at Yangsin,
demolishing 3 buildings; and 2 nearby locomotives are also destroyed. The
fighter-bombers then heavily damage a small steamer at Wuchang, sink 1 tug
and damage another at Kutang, and blast a train and an AA position S of Puchi.
During Sep 43, HQ 23d Fighter Group transfers from Kunming to Kweilin, China.
During Sep 43, detachments of the 449th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter
Group based at Lingling, China operate from Hengyang and Kweilin, China
with P-38's.
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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 10 B-25's and 11 P-40's pound Tien Ho
airfield at Canton, China; 3 of 15 intercepting Zekes are shot down.
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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 15 fighter-bombers pound the marshalling
yard SE of Lao Kay, French Indochina; 16 others hit barracks in the city.
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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 6 fighter-bombers attack wharves,
vessels, and destroy a small factory building in the Yoyang-Shihhweiyao
area; 5 others hit trucks, trains, gun emplacements, and railway facilities
in areas around Sintsiang and Puchi.
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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 10 B-25's and 7 P-40's hit a
cotton warehouse N of Wuchang and docks at Hankow; 9 of 20 intercepting
Zekes are claimed destroyed; 9 P-38's bomb docks at Whampoa.
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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 15 B-24's are dispatched to Haiphong,
French Indochina. The first flight aborts due to bad weather but the second
flight reaches the target area and bombs docks and shipping. 4 P-38's
severely damage 2 vessels at Chiuchiang, China.
The 25th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group, transfers from Dinjan,
India to Yunnani, China with P-40's. The squadron's detachment at Jorhat,
India also transfers.
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28 OCTOBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 7 B-24's bomb Mangshih; 6 P-40's
strafe a warehouse and revetments at Yoyang Airfield; 3 B-25's and 7 P-38's
hit a barracks at Ft Bayard; and 2 B-25's on a shipping sweep over the S
China Sea damage 2 freighters near Saint John Island and sink a junk W of
Kwangchow Wan.
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30 OCTOBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 7 B-25's and 12 P-40's pound the
motor pool and barracks at Shayang; 9 P-38's hit the Chiuchiang dock area;
2 interceptors are shot down.
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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 6 B-25's and 9 P-40's bomb the Yoyang, China
railroad yards.
During Nov, the 75th Fighter Squadron, 23d Fighter Group transfers from
Kweilin to Hengyang, China with P-40's.
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12 NOVEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 10 B-25's and 24 P-40's attack
Yoyang, hitting the warehouse area, railroad yards, and AA positions; 5 B-25's
bomb the Yangchi Kang waterfront area and attack waterfront targets at Puchi;
6 B-25's and 12 fighters hit targets at Yoyang; 15 P-40's and a B-25 on armed
reconnaissance hit several targets of opportunity in the Lungling area and
between Yang-Chia-Kang and Sichai.
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19 NOVEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, B-25's on shipping sweeps in the S
China Sea strafe 2 vessels off Hong Kong, score damaging hits on 2 vessels at
Kiungshan, damage a freighter off Tsao Tao Island, and leave a gunboat and
freighter sinking E of Swatow; warehouses and wharves at Swatow also are hit.
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21 NOVEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 29 P-40's strafe 100+ sampans and
small boats on Tungting Lake in the Li-Chou-Changte-Ansiang area; 12 P-40's
attack 5 vessels, 20 houses, and 100 men at Shihmen and between Shihmen and
Li-Chou; 8 others hit troops and small river boats near Tsowshih; 12 P-40's
and 4 B-25's pound the town of Tzeli; 4 other B-25's on shipping sweeps over
the S China Sea damage a freighter and blast buildings at Taiping-hsu airfield.
The 76th Fighter Squadron, 23d Fighter Group, transfers from Hengyang to
Kweilin, China with P-40's; a detachment of the squadron is operating from
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24 NOVEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 5 B-25's and 16 P-40's bomb Hanshow
and strafe 15-20 small boats N of the city; 2 other B-25's attack the harbor
and town of Amoy; 2 direct hits are scored on a docked freighter.
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25 NOVEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 14 B-25's and 16 P-38's and P-51's
attack the airfield at Shinchiku, hitting a parking area, hangars, barracks,
and other buildings. 32 enemy aircraft are claimed destroyed in the air and
on the ground; 16 P-40's on armed reconnaissance over the Hanshow-Chanpte
area sink 2 60-ft (18.3 m) boats and 15 sampans and strafe many small supply
and troop carrying boats.
The 16th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group, transfers from Hengyang to
Chengkung, China with P-40's. A detachment begins operating from Tsuyung,
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28 NOVEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 8 P-40's bomb and strafe the
barracks area and village on the W bank of the Salween River near Litsaoho;
8 P-40's drop ammunition to besieged Chinese troops at Changte. In French
Indochina, 6 P-40's strafe the town area and airfield at Luang Prabang and
hit the radio building, barracks, and tower at Tran Ninh.
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29 NOVEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 2 B-25's hit the airfield, town
area, and warehouse section at Swatow, 2 bomb the power station and nearby
targets of opportunity at Amoy, and 2 attack barges in nearby coastal areas;
24 P-40's drop food and ammunition to Chinese troops at Changte, strafe a
camp in the Hsutu Lake area, damage a vessel in Tien-hsin Lake and attack
numerous small craft in channels between Hsutu and Tungting Lakes and between
Tsowshih and Hofuh.
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CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 18 Japanese bombers and 30 Zekes
attack Suichwan airfield; 9 P-40's intercept, shooting
down 1 Japanese
airplane; 2 P-40's are
lost; 6 P-40's on armed reconnaissance bomb villages
between Sha Nyao and Chiao Tou Chieh; 16 others bomb Japanese positions NE
of Changte.
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21 DECEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 29 B-24's pound the railroad yards
at Chiengmai; the warehouse area along the W side of the yards suffers very
heavy damage; 14 B-25's, with fighter escort, attack Hwajung.
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22 DECEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 7 B-25's, with fighter escort,
bomb Hwajung; 2 others claim 3 direct hits on a freighter 105 miles (168
km) S of Hong Kong. 65 Japanese bombers and fighters attack Kunming Airfield;
10 P-40's and a P-38 from Kunming and several fighters from Yunnani engage
the enemy force in a 50-minute running battle, claiming 12 airplanes shot
down; 2 US aircraft are destroyed on the ground; damage to airfield is not
serious. 7 P-40's intercept a force of 58 airplanes heading toward Chengkung,
shooting down 3 of them and preventing an attack on the airfield.
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30 DECEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 8 Japanese fighters strafe Suichwan
Airfield while 12 others provide cover; 2 US airplanes are destroyed on the
ground; 8 P-40's intercept the formation after the attack and shoot down 3
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31 DECEMBER 1943
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 25 B-24's pound the Lampang
railroad yards, causing several big fires and many secondary explosions. 6
B-25's hit Yangtze River shipping in the Anking and Lu-Kuan areas, claiming
3 cargo vessels and a troop carrier sunk; and 2 others on a sea sweep damage
a passenger vessel in the Hainan Straits.
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2 JANUARY 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 8 P-40's bomb and strafe Japanese HQ and
barracks at Hopang, China.
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7 JANUARY 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 4 B-25's and 6 P-40's sink 2 large
boats on the Yangtze River S of Hukow and sink a large powerboat, a barge,
and a small ore craft at Shihhweiyao; 11 P-38's claim between 30 and 40
sampans destroyed along the river from Hankow to Chiuchiang; and 2 B-25's on
a sea sweep claim a 300-ft (91 m) passenger vessel sunk S of Hong Kong.
HQ 341st Bombardment Group (Medium) transfers from the Tenth Air Force to
the Fourteenth Air Force and moves from Kurmitola, India to Kunming, China.
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10 JANUARY 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 8 P-51's bomb the approach to the
Kienchang bridge and attack a troop train N of Teian damaging the train and
killing an estimated 100 soldiers; 3 B-25's and 8 P-40's sweep the area from
Anking to Chiuchiang, sinking a large motor launch, 2 100-ft (30.5 m) barges,
and a tug on the Yangtze River, and attacking a bridge at Teian and tracks S
of Chiuchiang; 2 B-25's and 4 P-40's attack shipping on the Yangtze River
near Wusueh, sinking a launch and leaving 3 tankers burning.
491st Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 341st Bombardment Group (Medium),
transfers from Chakulia, India to Yangkai, China with B-25's.
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10 FEBRUARY 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 8 P-40s bomb Wanling and vicinity
while 3 others fly top cover; the target area, a supply staging and training
center, is heavily damaged; 5 B-24s during the night of 9/10 Feb mine
mouth of the Yangtze River; B-25s on sea sweeps claim 2 freighters
sunk near
Hainan Island and SW of Hong Kong; 12 P-51s and P-38s strafe boats and parked
aircraft in the Chiuchiang area; 12 P-40s strafe power boats and sampans
along the Yangtze River from Puchi to Yoyang.
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11 FEBRUARY 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 12 P-38s knock out 1 bridge and
damage another at Sheklung; 6 B-25s, escorted by 20 US and Chinese P-40s,
bomb the storage area at Kai Tek Airfield; the P-40s claim 5 Japanese
fighters shot down; Japanese aircraft bomb and strafe Namyung putting the
field out of use for several days.
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12 FEBRUARY 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 9 P-40s pound the warehouse area at Wanling,
Burma. In French Indochina, 6 P-40s bomb the barracks at Vinh and strafe
Dong Cuong Airfield, railroad yards at Cam Duong, and sampans at Phu Tho; 5
B-25s on a sea sweep in the Gulf of Tonkin claim 2 trawlers sunk and hit
shore targets of opportunity SW of Haiphong; a single B-25 damages a bridge
at Ha Trung. 24 P-38s, P-51s, and P-40s intercept 25 Japanese fighters near
Suichwan, China, claiming 7 shot down; 2 US fighters are lost.
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18 FEBRUARY 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In French Indochina, 4 B-25s on a sweep of
the Gulf of Tonkin damage 2 large boats N of Bakli Bay on Hainan Island,
destroy an ammunition dump at Phu Ly and knock out a nearby railroad bridge.
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10 MARCH 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 6 B-24s bomb Kowloon Docks; B-25s
from Suichwan sink a motor launch and damage 2 cargo vessels and a barge in
the Anking area; escorting P-38s shoot down several interceptors; P-40s and
P-51s on armed reconnaissance bomb or strafe barracks and shipping at
Foochow, airfield and barracks at Nanchang, factory, barracks, and bridge
near Sienning, and in French Indochina, freighters at Hongay and Campha
barracks at Ha Coi, and the area E of Lang Son.
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6 APRIL 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, P-40s from Suichwan pound a barrack
SW of Nanchang, causing heavy damage; a B-25 strike during the night of 6/7
Apr on airfields near Canton is curtailed by bad weather; only 1 B-25 reaches
the target, dropping fragmentation bombs on revetments.
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7 APRIL 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 7 P-40s strafe 3 barges and several junks at
Saint John Island, China, leaving them burning. 2 B-24s on a sweep from Hong
Kong to Formosa claim a large river boat and a small freighter sunk and 2
other freighters damaged; 1 B-24 is lost. 4 P-40s attack a large
concentration of small vessels at Haiphong, French Indochina, sinking at
least 4.
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13 APRIL 1944
CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 28 fighters attempt to intercept but fail
make contact with 13 Japanese airplanes which bomb Namyung, China.
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CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 12 B-25s bomb the town
area, river shipping, and trucks at Ishan and 3 B-25s and 8 P-40s pound
sampans and storage areas W of Hengshan while 2 B-25s hit an oil dump and
other targets of opportunity in the Hsiang River Valley and another blasts a
troop compound at Chaling. 4 B-25s damage a bridge at Phu Lang Thuong, French
Indochina. 180+ P-40s, P-51s, and P-38s hit a large number of targets
opportunity from the Burma border to Shanghai, China, concentrating on the
Wanling, Burma area and airfields in the Shanghai, Wuchou, and Wuchang, China
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18 JANUARY 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 29 B-24s bomb and 25 P-40s
pound shipping and railroad targets at Hong Kong; 7 B-25s bomb Ishan and
Chinchengchiang, 4 B-25s and 12 P-40s hit shipping in the Puchi area, 4 B-25s
bomb the town of Wanting, and 2 hit troop compounds at Chaling. 11 B-25s and
12 fighter-bombers attack Phu Lang Thuong, French Indochina. About 140
P-40s, and P-38s on armed reconnaissance over S China from the Burma boundary
to Hong Kong attack a huge variety of targets of opportunity.
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20 JANUARY 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): 4 B-25s hit a bridge and railroad
cars near Hanoi, French Indochina. In China, 3 B-25s attack targets of
opportunity W of Hengshan, 2 hit a troop compound and other targets at
Chaling and Anjen, and 1 damages a small freighter in the E China Sea; 32
P-51s pound airfields in the Shanghai area, claiming 22 aircraft destroyed;
200+ P-40s, P-51s, and P-38s on armed reconnaissance over vast S China
and N
French Indochina areas attack bridges, town areas, rail, road and river
traffic, and other targets of opportunity at numerous points. The detachment
of the 22d Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 341st Bombardment Group (Medium),
operating from Yunnani, China with B-25s, returns to base at Yangkai.
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CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 11 P-51s knock out a bridge
at Hengshan; 34 P-40s hit river, road, and rail traffic from Kweiyi to
Hengshan, from Chiuchiang to Wuhu, from Siaokan southward, in the area S of
Tsinan, and N of Tehsien, and from Wan Mai-Lo, Burma to Luang Prabang, French
Indochina. 2 fighter-bombers hit the warehouse area at Kweihsien, China.
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CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 8 fighters hit rail bridges
in the Kiyang and Lukou areas, damaging 1 bridge; several trucks are strafed
and destroyed; 3 fighters on a railroad sweep destroy several locomotives
between Peking and Sinsiang; several other fighters bomb railroad yards at
Kaifeng and the airfield at Sinsiang; Chinese-American Composite Wing (CACW)
fighters make a surprise strike at Tsingtao Airfield, and claim about 100
aircraft destroyed and damaged, and also destroy several nearby locomotives.
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17 FEBRUARY 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 30 B-25s bomb Linfen and
Yuncheng; a single B-25 hits railroad targets of opportunity from Hengyang to
Lingling; 27 P-40s and P-51s attack animal transport, barracks, railroad
targets, and the town area at Puchi; 16 P-47s hit the Hankow-Wuchang
area; 37
other fighter-bombers attack railroad yards and targets of opportunity and
road and river traffic near Tsinan, Changsha, and Kweiyi, and at Sinyang,
Linfen, and Lung Hai.
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21 FEBRUARY 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 21 B-25s, supported by 12
P-51s, pound Taiyuan; 2 B-25s and 12 P-40s hit Yoyang; about 100 fighter-
bombers on armed reconnaissance attack troops, trucks, horses, railroad
targets, river shipping, and other targets of opportunity at many locations
throughout S and E China; the detachment of the 530th Fighter Squadron, 311th
Fighter Group, operating from Hsian with P-51s, returns to base at Kwanghan.
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9 MARCH 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 32 B-24s, escorted by 5
P-51s, bomb railroad yards at Sinsiang; 15 B-25s and 2 P-40s knock out 2
bridges at Hwaiyuanchen and E of Jungtse, and hit railroad targets and other
targets of opportunity at Yehhsien, Chowkiakow, Hsuchang, and E of Junan; 50+
fighter-bombers on armed reconnaissance attack railroad targets, river and
road traffic, bridges, gun positions, and troops at several locations,
particularly around Kweiyi, Hengyang, Nanking, and Sinyang.
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24 MARCH 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 34 B-24s, with an escort
9 fighters, pound the Chenghsien locomotive park and Yellow River bridge;
B-25s and 100+ fighter-bombers, operating in forces of 1 to 8 aircraft,
attack tanks, trucks, locomotives, troop concentrations, storage areas,
airstrips, bridges, gun positions, and general targets of opportunity
throughout S and E China.
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25 MARCH 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 20+ B-25s and 150+
fighters, operating individually and in flights of up to 8 aircraft,
continue attacks on numerous targets including river, road, and rail traffic,
airfields, troop concentrations, storage areas, horses, and gun positions
throughout S and E China; the detachment of the 22d Bombardment Squadron
(Medium), 341st Bombardment Group (Medium), operating from Peishiyi with
B-25s, returns to base at Yangkai.
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28 MARCH 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): 6 B-24s bomb Haiphong and Hanoi docks
in French Indochina and the Bakli Bay barracks on Hainan Island. In China, 9
B-25s and 8 P-40s hit rivercraft and other targets from Yanglowtung to
Sienning; 9 other B-25s hit junks, storage, and targets of opportunity in the
Lushan area and 7 bomb Chingmen; 14 B-25s, operating in groups of 1 to 4
aircraft, hit rivercraft and scattered targets of opportunity at several
other points in S and E China; 120+ fighter-bombers over French Indochina and
S and E China continue to pound numerous targets of opportunity, mainly
river, road, and rail traffic and troop concentrations; rivercraft and
airfields in areas around Kai Tek Airfield in Hong Kong and Canton, Hankow,
and Wuchang, China are severely hit. In China, the 11th Bombardment Squadron
(Medium), 341st Bombardment Group (Medium), based at Yangkai sends a
detachment to operate from Chihkiang with B-25s; the 19th Liaison Squadron,
69th Composite Wing, moves from Kunming to Chengkung with L-1s and L-5s.
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29 MARCH 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): 11 B-24s attack shipping in the S
China Sea, at Bakli and Samah Bays on Hainan Island, and at Haiphong, French
Indochina, heavily damaging a destroyer and a merchant vessel. In China, 18
B-25s, escorted by 12 P-40s, bomb railroad yards at Yoyang; 4 B-25s claim 6
small steamers sunk and several vessels damaged in the Liuchow area while 2
others hit the town area and railroad targets in the Dong Giao area of French
Indochina; single B-25s hit targets of opportunity at or near Loyang, Loning,
Neihsiang, Yiyang, and Hsuchang; 90+ fighter-bombers over S
and E China and
French Indochina attack troops, supplies, transport, and communications
targets at several places, concentrating strikes around Hengyang, Chuchou,
Isuho, Nanking, and Namyung, and among many targets hit airfields at
Amoy and
Kai Tek in Hong Kong; the 22d Bombardment Squadron (Medium), 341st
Bombardment Group (Medium), based at Yangkai with B-25s, sends a detachment
to operate from Chihkiang.
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19 APRIL 1945
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 12 B-24s bomb railway
repair shops at Taiyuan; 3 others attack targets of opportunity in Bakli Bay
on Hainan Island, 8 B-25s attack bridges and rail and road traffic N and NE
of Anyang and NE of Taiku, damaging or destroying several locomotives and
numerous boxcars; 100+ P-40s, P-51s, and P-47s attack town areas, troops,
river, road, and rail traffic, and general targets of opportunity all over S
and E China and hit a few targets of opportunity in N French Indochina.
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